C++ Diary #2 | std::vector::reserve

How a std::vector Grows

In C++, std::vector provides the capability of creating dynamic arrays. In order to support random element access, the elements in vector container will be assigned to contiguously memory blocks. Considering we pre-allocate certain amount of memory and vector can grow (or shrink) dynamically, here we might raise a question:

When we add a new element, what will happen if there is no space left for the new element?

Obviously, the vector container have to do following steps:

  1. Allocate a new and larger contiguous memory space
  2. Move existing elements into the new memory location
  3. Add current new element to memory
  4. Deallocate the old memory space

Do we need to allocation and deallocation each time we add an new element?

We cannot avoid performance degradation if memory allocation and deallocation happens every single time. So what is the mechanism to optimize it in standard library? Here we start with an example.

First of all, we create a simple class with some print statements for debugging purpose:

class MyClass {
    explicit MyClass(int x) : x_(x){
        std::cout << "Create Class with number " << x_ << std::endl;

    ~MyClass() {
        std::cout << "Destroy Class with number " << x_ << std::endl;
    // Move Constructor
    MyClass (MyClass&& my_class) noexcept {
        std::cout << "Moving " << my_class.x_ << std::endl;
        x_ = std::move(my_class.x_);

    int x_ = 0;

Here we create a simple task to add numbers into an vector, and we also print out the capacity(currently allocated storage) of the vector:

int main() {
    std::vector<MyClass> v;
    std::cout << "\n--- Start ---" << std::endl;

    constexpr int n = 9;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        std::cout << "Insert " << i << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Current Capacity = " << v.capacity() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "New Capacity = " << v.capacity() << std::endl;
        std::cout << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\n--- Finish ---" << std::endl;
    return 0;

And let’s take a look at the result:

Insert 0
Current Capacity = 0
Create Class with number 0
New Capacity = 1

Insert 1
Current Capacity = 1
Create Class with number 1
Moving 0
Destroy Class with number 0
New Capacity = 2

Insert 2
Current Capacity = 2
Create Class with number 2
Moving 0
Moving 1
Destroy Class with number 0
Destroy Class with number 1
New Capacity = 4

Insert 3
Current Capacity = 4
Create Class with number 3
New Capacity = 4


Insert 7
Current Capacity = 8
Create Class with number 7
New Capacity = 8

Insert 8
Current Capacity = 8
Create Class with number 8
Moving 0
Moving 1
Moving 2
Moving 3
Moving 4
Moving 5
Moving 6
Moving 7
Destroy Class with number 0
Destroy Class with number 1
Destroy Class with number 2
Destroy Class with number 3
Destroy Class with number 4
Destroy Class with number 5
Destroy Class with number 6
Destroy Class with number 7
New Capacity = 16

We notice that the capacity increases from 0->1->2->4->8->16, it indicates that the std::vector actually double the capacity each time when it have to allocate larger memory. In other words, it will allocate more memory that is beyond the immediately needs. For example, it allocate new capacity of 16 when we only store 8 elements in the vector.

However, we should also catch that the class’s move (or copy) constructor and the destructor is called multiple times, in order to move elements into new memory location. If we have a relatively complex class with lots of member variables to copy and destroy, then overall time may be non-negligible.


A call to vector::reserve(n) requests the amount of memory which is at least enough to carry $n$ elements:

// Reserve space to avoid reallocation

As a result, it is not necessary to reallocate memory every time, because we already reserved enough amount of memory ahead.

Insert 0
Current Capacity = 500
Create Class with number 0
New Capacity = 500

Insert 1
Current Capacity = 500
Create Class with number 1
New Capacity = 500

Insert 2
Current Capacity = 500
Create Class with number 2
New Capacity = 500


Insert 8
Current Capacity = 500
Create Class with number 8
New Capacity = 500

reserve vs. resize

Vector container have two kinds of capacity parameters, size and capacity:

  1. vector::size returns the number of actual object held in the vector, which is not necessarily equal to the storage capacity. We could use vector::resize to change the number of real elements by inserting or erasing elements from it. It will change capacity only when the resize number is greater than the current container’s capacity.
  2. vector::capacity return the size of the storage space currently allocated for the vector. It can be equal or greater than current number of elements in the vector. vector::reserve can request a change in capacity, however it does not effect the size of vector or its actual elements.


If we have a rough estimation of the number of elements we will store into the vector, we should then usestd::vector::reserve whenever possible to avoid frequently memory reallocation.


  1. C++ Primer (5th Edition): Chapter 9.4
  2. Using std::vector::reserve whenever possible
  3. cplusplus.com - std::vector::reserve
Yasen Hu
Yasen Hu
Staff Research Engineer

My research interests include perception and sensor fusion.