C++ Diary #3 | Move Semantics - Rvalue Reference


The first time I learned about move semantics was when I read Scott Meyers’ book Effective Modern C++. Although I thought I had a basic understanding, I only remembered the famous statement that std::move doesn’t actually move anything after many years.

Recently, I started using move semantics more frequently and noticed that others were also struggling to understand why and how to use it at very beginning like me. So, I decided it was time to invest more effort into educating myself and sharing my learning experience.

From std::move to Rvalue Reference

Initially, I was confused when I searched for std::move on cppreference, as it mentioned, “std::move is exactly equivalent to a static_cast to an rvalue reference type.”

Here’s a simple implementation of std::move:

template <typename T>
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&& move(T&& arg) noexcept {
    return static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&>(arg);

There are two key takeaways:

  1. T&& t is a Universal Reference (or Forwarding Reference) because T is a template parameter. This can be misleading if you are unfamiliar with Universal References, as it might seem like it only accepts an rvalue reference.
  2. It returns an rvalue reference to arg.

If you’re not familiar with Universal References or rvalue references, don’t worry. Let’s start with the basics and discuss lvalues, rvalues, and their references in this post.

Lvalues and Rvalues

In C++, the concepts of lvalue and rvalue are fundamental to understanding expressions and their evaluation. Here’s a clear breakdown:

  • An lvalue represents an object that occupies some identifiable location in memory. It can appear on both the left and right sides of an assignment operator. You can use the & operator to obtain the address of an lvalue.
  • An rvalue represents a temporary value that does not persist beyond the expression in which it is used. It can only appear on the right side of an assignment operator. Rvalue are often temporary objects created during expression evaluation or literal constants.
  • Every expression is either an lvalue or an rvalue.

Let’s take a look of an example:

int GetValue() {
    return 10;

int& GetValue2() {
    static int value = 10;
    return value;

int i = 42;
int a = i;  // both a and i are lvalues
int *p = &i;  // p is also lvalue

int j = GetValue();  // j is lvalue, and GetValue() is rvalue
int *p2 = &GetValue();  // ERROR,cannot take the address of an rvalue!
j = 42;  // ok, 42 rvalue (a literal constant)

GetValue2() = 42;  // ok, GetValue2() is lvalue
int *p1 = &GetValue2();  // ok, because GetValue2() is lvalue

Lvalue Reference

In C++, references can be defined using the & symbol. When an lvalue is also a reference, it is called an lvalue reference. Lvalue references are the most common type of reference, so when we generally talk about “object reference”, we are referring to lvalue reference. For example:

std::string s;
std::string& sref = s;  // sref is an lvalue reference

You might wonder if you can take an lvalue reference to an rvalue.

If it were possible to take an lvalue reference to an rvalue, it would create a problem: how would you modify the value of the rvalue? Since references can be updated later, and the reference to rvalue do not have a retrievable memory address, modifying an rvalue would be impossible.

However, const lvalue references are different because constants cannot be modified, eliminating the issue above:

// Error! std::string() creates a temporary object, which is an rvalue
std::string& r = std::string("TEST");
// Valid
const std::string& r = std::string("TEST");  

Another example, which also explains why const lvalue reference is useful:

void PrintName1(std::string& name) {
    std::cout << name << std::endl;

void PrintName2(const std::string& name) {
    std::cout << name << std::endl;

int main() {
    // both first_name and last_name are lvalue
    std::string first_name = "Foo";
    std::string last_name = "Bar";
    // ERROR! 
    // Because "first_name + last_name" is actually an rvalue (temporary) 
    PrintName1(first_name + last_name);
    // Correct!  
    PrintName2(first_name + last_name);

Rvalue Reference (since C++11)

Rvalue references and the move semantics are among the most powerful features introduced in C++11. Previously, we discussed that lvalues (non-const) can be modified (assigned to), but rvalues cannot. However, with C++11’s introduction of rvalue references, this limitation is lifted, allowing us to obtain references to rvalues and modify them.

Let’s follow the example from lvalue reference section:

void PrintName3(const std::string&& name) {
    std::cout << name << std::endl;

PrintName3(firstName + lastName);  // Correct!
PrintName3(fullName);  // ERROR! Because PrintName3() only accept rvalue now!

Rvalue references can only bind to rvalues, which are either literal constants or temporary objects that soon to be destroyed.

It means that code accepting and using rvalue references can freely take over the resources of the referenced object without worrying about data in other parts of the code. In other words, it transfers ownership of the assets and properties of an object directly.

Rvalue references enable move semantics and perfect forwarding. We will discuss rvalue references and std::move further in the next post.


  1. 谈谈 C++ 中的右值引用
  2. C++ 11 右值引用以及std::move
  3. lvalues and rvalues in C++ - The Cherno
  4. std::move and the Move Assignment Operator in C++ - The Cherno
  5. Hidden Features and Traps of C++ Move Semantics
  6. What is move semantics?
Yasen Hu
Yasen Hu
Staff Research Engineer

My research interests include perception and sensor fusion.